If you’re working with a React Native project and have encountered the issue where Cocoapods runs automatically when you use the command npm run ios, you’re not alone. This can be frustrating, especially when you don’t need Cocoapods to run each time. In this guide, we will explain how to stop Cocoapods from running during the execution of npm run ios and walk you through simple steps to fix the issue.
What Is Cocoapods and Why Does It Run with npm run ios?
Cocoapods is a dependency manager for iOS projects, particularly useful for managing libraries and frameworks that are needed by React Native when building for iOS. When you use npm run ios in a React Native project, it’s common to see Cocoapods being triggered automatically. This happens because the React Native CLI assumes that the iOS dependencies need to be installed or updated every time you attempt to run the project.
The npm run ios command usually initiates a few operations, including compiling the iOS app and setting up required dependencies via Cocoapods. However, sometimes developers don’t want Cocoapods to run each time they issue this command.
Understanding the npm run ios Command
The npm run ios command in React Native essentially tells your machine to open the iOS project in Xcode and run it in the simulator or on a connected device. It triggers the following actions:
- Building the iOS project: React Native uses Xcode to compile the app.
- Installing dependencies: If there are any missing iOS dependencies, Cocoapods is triggered to install them.
Typically, Cocoapods will run automatically as part of this process, but it isn’t always necessary, especially if you’ve already installed or updated the dependencies.
Why You Might Want to Stop Cocoapods from Running
Cocoapods running automatically during npm run ios can be inconvenient in several situations:
- Repeated installations: If you’ve already installed dependencies and don’t need Cocoapods to install them again.
- Performance: Running Cocoapods each time can slow down your workflow, especially if your dependencies are large.
- Custom configurations: You may want to handle dependency management manually, ensuring that only necessary packages are installed.
By stopping Cocoapods from running with npm run ios, you can take control of when and how the dependency manager is invoked, thus improving development speed and preventing redundant processes.
Step-by-Step Guide to Stop Cocoapods from Running with npm run ios
Here’s a practical guide to prevent Cocoapods from running automatically with npm run ios:
Step 1: Modify the package.json File
The first step in stopping Cocoapods from running automatically is to modify the package.json file. This is where your npm scripts are defined. By editing the ios script, you can prevent the automatic execution of Cocoapods.
- Open the package.json file in your project.
- Find the scripts section, specifically the ios script.
- Update the ios script to remove any calls to Cocoapods.
Example before modification:
“scripts”: {
“ios”: “react-native run-ios && pod install”
Example after modification:
“scripts”: {
“ios”: “react-native run-ios”
In this modification, we’ve removed pod install from the command, so it no longer runs Cocoapods every time you use npm run ios.
Step 2: Configure the Podfile Properly
The Podfile in your iOS directory contains configuration details for Cocoapods. While modifying the npm script helps stop automatic invocation, you may also want to ensure that your Podfile is set up in such a way that Cocoapods doesn’t run unnecessarily.
- Open the Podfile located in your ios directory.
- Make sure it doesn’t have any configurations that force Cocoapods to run during each iOS build. For instance, check for commands or settings that call pod install automatically.
post_install do |installer|
# This is where Cocoapods is invoked after installation. You can comment it out if not needed.
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings[‘IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET’] = ‘10.0’
Removing or commenting out such code could prevent Cocoapods from running automatically after every installation.
Step 3: Use Conditional Logic in npm Scripts
If you only want Cocoapods to run in certain situations (for example, when there is an update or new dependency), you can modify your npm scripts further by using conditional logic.
Example script with conditional logic:
“scripts”: {
“ios”: “if [ ! -d node_modules ]; then pod install; fi && react-native run-ios”
In this example, pod install will only run if the node_modules directory doesn’t exist, meaning it will only run if your dependencies have yet to be installed. This prevents unnecessary installation each time you run npm run ios.
Step 4: Handle Manual Pod Installation
If you prefer full control over when Cocoapods is used, you can manually install the pods as needed, rather than relying on the automatic process during the npm run ios command.
To manually install the pods, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the ios directory of your project:
- cd ios
- Run Cocoapods manually using the following command:
- pod install
This way, you only run Cocoapods when you make changes to your iOS dependencies or if the pods become out of sync.
Step 5: Verify and Test Changes
After making the necessary changes, verify that Cocoapods no longer runs with the npm run ios command:
- Run npm run ios and check if Cocoapods is triggered.
- If Cocoapods doesn’t run, the changes were successful.
If issues persist, revisit the configuration files and ensure that the changes were applied correctly.
Additional Tips for Managing Cocoapods in React Native
To streamline your React Native development process and prevent unnecessary Cocoapods executions, consider the following tips:
- Check Dependencies Regularly: Keep track of updates and only run pod install when necessary.
- Clear Cache: Sometimes old pod installations can interfere with new setups. Use pod deintegrate followed by pod install to reset.
- Use Xcode for iOS Build: Running the iOS build directly through Xcode sometimes bypasses npm’s default behavior.
Cocoapods runs automatically because it’s configured to install iOS dependencies each time you try to run the app. This is part of React Native’s default build process.
While you can stop it from running automatically with npm run ios, it is still required for managing iOS dependencies. You just need to manage it manually or adjust the script to run only when necessary.
You can manually run pod install whenever there are updates to your iOS dependencies.
Stopping Cocoapods from running automatically with npm run ios gives you more control over your React Native project, helping to streamline your workflow and reduce unnecessary processes. By following the steps above, you can prevent Cocoapods from running when you don’t need it, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your development. Always remember to manually handle pod installation and updates as necessary to keep your project running smoothly.